Friday, 8 April 2011

Nicki Minaj covers ELLE magazine, speaks about Britney and Beyonce

After making Billboard history, Hip-Pop rapper Nicki Minaj has landed on the front cover of ELLE magazine’s May issue. The latest issue, which honors women in music, will hit stands on April 12. The comical rapper had a few things to share the magazine:

On her career ambitions growing up: “I always wanted to play with the boys.  I didn’t want to be a pawn in their game or have a sidekick role. I wanted to be more of a lead character—a superhero.” 

On collaborating with Ludacris on “My Chick Bad”: “[I] chose to do punch lines and be comical, to show how bad I am lyrically, as opposed to how sexy I think I am”

On fashion: “I tend to like booties…[pause]”—she takes a beat to clarify: no sexual meaning implied—“and really flashy shoes: totally studded out, in five colors with an insane platform.”

Before performing at Casio’s TRYX OUT: NYC 2011 Launch Party at the Best Buy Theater on Thursday night, Nicki Minaj confirmed to MTV that she is in talks to join Britney Spears on tour."I am in talks of joining Britney Spears, yeah," Minaj said in the British accent of her Martha alter-ego. "I'm in talks about a lot of things, ya know. I don't know — oops, I did it again."

The only thing Nicki is complaining about is her grueling tour schedule: "I'm getting sick every other day," she said. "That's the one downside. I keep my dressing room warm, and then of course when we go out to the stage area, it's freezing cold, and then when we do the afterparty, it's cold. And then flying and stuff like that. That's the only downside about touring. It's just to keep your physical health in order. I was just recuperating from being sick last night and then we flew out here; the plane was freezing, and I think I got sick again. That's the only downside — that's the only one."

You can watch what she has to say about Britney and Beyonce below. You can also check out the rest of the spread over at ELLE

Source: JustJared and MTV News